It's nearly here!
The time has come to open our doors again to show off what we have all been up to this year. With 115 creatives in the building, the variety of creativity and work produced is just mind blowing.
There is something for everyone, from painters, multi-media, motion artists, textile designers, illustrators, ceramicists, print makers and many more,
Come and explore our corridors and see what is behind the studio doors!
Friday 14th 6-10pm PRIVATE VIEW
Saturday 15th 11am - 5pm
Sunday 16th 11am - 5pm
We will have food vans and a bar so refreshments will be available.
N.B. Please respect our building, the studios, the artists and their work. Remember these are their livelihoods and where we wouldn't question your salary, please do not question or comment on pricing or be negative. All children must be accompanied by an adult
We look forward to welcoming your all!